A pharmacy for the future

In creating a new sub-brand identity based on the excitement around the sustainable properties of the business, the approach was kept concerning internal and external usage.

  • LloydsDirect - McKesson

  • Project Lead and Visual direction + Illustration design

  • 1 month of work


LloydsDirect commitment to becoming the UK’s first sustainable Pharmacy through the achievement of attaining B-corp status required a distinctive visual identity. The goal was to utilize their brand identity across internal and external touchpoints in relation to sustainability.


After the exploration phase, it was concluded the most logical choice was to keep LloydsDirect mission as the main focus. As a newer representation of attaining repeat prescriptions, our focus remains on sustainability.


Sustainability is a key marketing area in business today, therefore we wanted to refrain from utilizing similar colours that often represent sustainability. Doing so will separate our branding from other competitors and offer and distinctive and unique visual identity.