Motion snippets

I’ve developed throughout my career a strong feeling for motion design; since my early days, I spent energy learning and understanding this discipline as I’m convinced it’s a vital part of design nowadays. I’ve gathered some snippets of motion goodness I’ve done so far.

  • LloydsDirect, MVF

  • Motion Design and Art direction

  • 3 weeks of work


Motion design has the Amazing power to give a story to pretty much anything, and it’s widely used to enrich videos or brand pieces. Nonetheless, there’s a fine line between motion done to add meaning and motion done for the sake of it.


Again good motion design foundation helps to understand where to use it and where not; it should always add something to the user experience and never distract from the key message. I’m a believer that the difference between average brands and strong brands is in the way to use motion and sound design.


Motion design can be applied across several touchpoints including; brand animation, paid ads, websites and products. Consistency is an important point to maintain across all of them to truly represent a brand.